Programs for Intercultural Education
Global Engagement Center Support Team Office accepts requests from schools and educational institutions that need help of international students.
For International Students
After receiving the request from schools, educational institutions, we display the information on the notice boards of each department and International Center. Please feel free to contact us if there is anything you don't understand regarding program contents etc.
For Educational Institutions
This program is named the Program for "Intercultural Education" and it aims to promote globalization of the community through cultural exchanges among international students and the local people. We also hope international students will be able to play an active role in the community through the program.
If you would like to hold an educational exchange event, please fill out the request form below and send it with a poster by e-mail or FAX a month before the event. Please submit the event report after the program.
When we receive the request form, we post the information on bulletin boards of our International Center and departmental bulletin boards in the university. Please get in contact with the students and have a meeting about the class if necessary.
Please note that it is sometimes not possible to find students who meet the requirements, depending on the content of the program or on the season in which the event is held.
The request form and the event report form are available here.
Programs for Intercultural Education (Excel & PDF, Japanese version only)
Process Flow Chart

Global Engagement Center Support Team, Nagoya University
TEL: 052-788-6117 FAX: 052-788-6120