Tips on Nagoya University Clubs & Circles

- 名古屋大学ホームページ「サークル活動」
https://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/academics/circle/circle/index.html - 各団体のウェブサイト、SNS
- 文サ連報(文化サークル連盟)
- 濃緑(体育会)
- 各部活・サークルによる紹介イベント
- 名古屋大学全新歓構成団体によるイベント(主に4月)
名古屋大学全学新入生歓迎実行委員会 http://www2.jimu.nagoya-u.ac.jp/zensinkan/ - 名大祭(例年6月): 名大祭実行委員会の企画・運営で行われる大学祭。各部活・サークルのイベントや企画もたくさんあります。
- メール、SNS、電話
- 新歓などのイベントや活動場所に直接行く
連絡先 教育推進部学生支援課(TEL:052-789-2164)
連絡先 教育推進部学生支援課(TEL:052-789-2164)
- Q1. 費用はどれくらいかかる?
- 入会費や年会費を払いますが、団体によって金額は異なります。必ず事前に確認しましょう。
- Q2. 活動量はどれくらい?どの程度参加するべき?
- 団体によって異なります。練習を重ねて試合に出たり、成果を発表する機会がある活動も多いので、事前にどの程度参加しなければならないか、自分がどの程度参加できるのか、よく確認しましょう。
- Q3. 日本語があまりできない場合はどうしたらよい?
- 日本語に不安がある学生も参加できる団体や、日英使用する国際交流団体も一部あります。現状ほとんどの場合は日本語だけですので、友達に手伝ってもらう、なるべくゆっくりはっきり話す、ジェスチャーを使う、日本語を勉強する、などコミュニケーションをとろうとする姿勢が欠かせません。
- 先輩(せんぱい):年齢や学年が上の人。また同じ学校、勤務先、部活・サークルで先に入った人。
- 後輩(こうはい):年齢や学年が下の人。。また同じ学校、勤務先、部活・サークルで後から入った人。
- 新歓(しんかん):新入生を歓迎すること。また、新入生歓迎行事。主に4月に行われる。
- 合宿(がっしゅく):泊りがけの部活・サークル活動。
- インカレ:他大学のメンバーと共に活動するサークル。また、全日本学生選手権の通称でもある。

BUKATSU(club), SAKURU(circle)
Groups that perform extracurricular activities in areas such as academic, culture, art and sports in Japanese universities are called BUKATSU or SAKURU. There is a big difference in the activity policy between groups.
Federation of Liberal Art Circles and Athletic Association
Nagoya University officially recognizes cultural circles which belong to Federation of Liberal Art Circles, and athletic clubs which belong to Athletic Association.
There are many other groups(*) which do not belong to neither of the associations.
(*)Groups recognized by departments of Nagoya University or other groups
There are many other groups(*) which do not belong to neither of the associations.
(*)Groups recognized by departments of Nagoya University or other groups
Finding a club/circle
- Nagoya University HP, "Club Activities"
https://en.nagoya-u.ac.jp/academics/campus_life/clubs/index.html - Websites and SNS of each group
- 文サ連報 (BUNSARENPOU) by Federation of Liberal Art Circles
- 濃緑 (NOURYOKU) by Athletic Association
Places to browse:
・Help Desk, 1F International Center
・ACS office, Rm 739 7F, West Wing, IB Bldg.
・Help Desk, 1F International Center
・ACS office, Rm 739 7F, West Wing, IB Bldg.
- Introductory events held by clubs and circles.
- Welcome events held by Nagoya University 全新歓(ZENSHINKAN), mainly in April.
*Website of ZENSHINKAN Committee
http://www2.jimu.nagoya-u.ac.jp/zensinkan/(in Japanese only) - 名大祭 (MEIDAISAI)
A university festival planned and managed by the Meidai Festival Executive Committee, usually in June. There are also many events and plans for each club and activity.
*Website of MEIDAISAI Committee
https://www.meidaisai.com/ (in Japanese only)
Making contact
- E-mail, SNS, phone
- Go directly to the place where each welcome event or activity is held.
*If you have any concerns about your Japanese language ability, you can let them know.
About forceful solicitations and suspicious invitaion
You should be firm towards forceful acts of solicitations to join extracurricular activities, and be careful not to be involved in any trouble.
There may also be occasions when unknown people talk to you very kindly and invite you to their parties and gatherings. Some of these groups may ask you to become a member of antisocial organizations, or to be involved in illegal works, or force you to buy expensive goods.
Please be cautious about these invitations from unknown people and never give them your personal information.
If you are persistently solicited to join a club or circle, or invited by a suspicious group on campus, please contact the Student Support Division immediately.
Contact: Student Support Division(TEL: 052-789-2164)
There may also be occasions when unknown people talk to you very kindly and invite you to their parties and gatherings. Some of these groups may ask you to become a member of antisocial organizations, or to be involved in illegal works, or force you to buy expensive goods.
Please be cautious about these invitations from unknown people and never give them your personal information.
If you are persistently solicited to join a club or circle, or invited by a suspicious group on campus, please contact the Student Support Division immediately.
Contact: Student Support Division(TEL: 052-789-2164)
- Q1. How much does it cost?
- You will have to pay an admission fee and an annual membership fee, but the amount varies from organization to organization. Be sure to check in advance.
- Q2. How much activity? How much should I participate?
- It depends on the clubs. Many clubs provide opportunities to practice, participate in games, perform and join in events, so make sure you know well in advance how much you will have to participate and how much you can attend.
- Q3. What should I do if I don't speak Japanese very well?
- There are some international exchange groups that use Japanese and English, as well as groups that welcome students with Japanese language concerns to participate. Most of them are only in Japanese, so it is essential that you try to ask for help, speak slowly and clearly, use gestures, and study Japanese.
Useful words
- 先輩 Senpai:A person who is older than you in age or grade. Also, a person who joined before you in the same school, workplace, club, or circle.
- 後輩 Kohai: A person who is younger than you in age or grade. Also, a person who joined later in the same school,workplace, club, or circle.
- 新歓 Sinkan: To welcome incoming students. Also, welcome events for new students. Mainly held in April.
- 合宿 Gasshuku: Club and circle camp.
- インカレ Inkare: A club that works with members from other universities. It is also the common name for the All-Japan Student Championship.