For International Students
In this ACS Office, for your successful stay in Japan, we offer information and advice related to the following matters. Even if it is a small matter we will support you. Please feel free to contact our office. The privacy of those coming to discuss a matter will be completely maintained.
- Study and Research
- Human Relations
- Cross-Cultural understanding / Adaptation
- Living (housing, part-time jobs, finance)
- Families of International Students
- Health
- Psychological and Mental health
- Temporary Return or Permanent Return
- Exchange and Community Activities
- Others
Study and Research
If something hindering your studies or research, we provide information and assistance to continue studies and researches in a Japanese environment, like study tips, selecting the lectures, time-management, increasing concentration, understanding university culture differences, how to avoid human relations obstacles.
Human Relations (Personal connections)
If you are experiencing problems of human relations, we offer advice how to improve interreationships with your friends, with your supervisor, among your co-students in class or the research room/laboratory).
Cross -Cultural Understanding / Adjustment
If you are experiencing difficulties due to adjustment problems here in Japan, we give advice on cross-cultural understanding and adaptation (cultural shock, culture or customs of Japan or any other country, communication gaps, regarding the usage of Japanese or any other language), with regards to enhancing your understanding of Japan and diverse range of cultures.
Living (housing, finances, part-time jobs, etc.)
If you are in any kind of trouble during your stay here, or if you have any questions of part-time jobs, etc., we provide useful information, as well as give advice on various other matters (housing, shifting, finances, tuition fees, scholarships, loans, part-time jobs, troubles etc.).
Families of International Students
We offer advice on matters pertaining to family immigration (coming to Japan), adjustment of families in Japan, places where families can learn the Japanese language, education for children etc.
It is natural that people sometimes suffer from helth probrems when living in a new environment, due to the change in climate and natural features. With the cooperation of the on-campus health centres, we offer advice on health and diseases (lack of appetite, sleeping disorders, stomach pain, physical stress etc, maintaining health, recommentation of off-campus clinics, etc.).
Psychological and Mental Health
If you are finding it difficult to adjust and perhaps suffering from some kind of mental stress because of the change in your study or research environment or deu to differences from those of your familiar place, or if you feel any of the following (feeling down, can't sleep, hardly going to university, feeling insecure due to depression, can't study or do research as one expects, lacking confidence, don't want to talk in Japanese any more) please come for a consultation. Counselors and psychiatrist are providing assistance.
Job and Career Options
Is there anything you would like know or discuss job or career options? Please refer to the following page.
Career Services Office:
Temporary Return or Permanent Return
Regarding temporarily or permanently leave from Japan, we provide helpful information for your preparation for departure from here. The time before departing from Japan is a very busy time and it may psychological restlessness with all the memories of their stay. If you have something you would like to share or discuss, please free to come to see us.
Exchange and Community Activities
If there is anything you would like to know regarding the exchange activities programs with the local community, Japanese students, other international students or the opportunities where you can have a hands-on experience of Japanese culture, we offer information about various programs hosted by our office ACS, international students support groups and the activities of volunteer groups.
You are welcome to ask about any doubts related to life in Japan, hobbies or sports or how to spend your spare time. Even when you don't have any problems, please feel free to come to our office to share your experiences and feeling.